Western living Lab Tunisia – 3rd training session for Truck drivers

The CCIS and ISGI (University of Sfax) organized the 3rd training session on the 19th of September 2023. As part of the techlog project pilot action, 4 truck drivers from SMTT company have participated in the pilot action.
The programme was split between theorical and practical session and closed by a Q/A and a Cocktail.
Enroll a theoric training for vehicle drivers on H.S.E, preventive driving, the management of stress and fatigue. This module was prepared by Mr Lotfi Ghorbel (certified trainer) as an external expert for HSE and road driving safety.
The theorical session was following by a practical session on ETS 2 (Euro Truck Simulator 2) organized by Mr Maher CHAKROUN (CCIS Facilitator) and Mr Aymen AGUECH (ISGI – University of Sfax Facilitator).
Part1: Theorical session
1- Introduction / text laws / accidents statistics
2- Defensive driving / Rational driving / eco driving
3- Uses cases (how to prevent accidents / brainstorming)
4- Best practices to avoid accident
Part2: Practical session on Euro truck Simulator 2 (ETS 2)
- ETS2 introduction
- Training / How to use of ETS
- Truck driver dispatch mission
- KPI mesurement
Q/A and closing Cocktail
Organizing team:
Secretariat team:
- Marwa FAKHFAKH (photographer) from Optimalogistic- CCIS Secretarait service
- Imen WALHA from optimalogistic – CCIS Secretarait service
The event was supervised by :
- Nathalie BEN AYED (CCIS)
- Karim KAMMOUN (ISGI – University of Sfax)
- Habib KAMMOUN (ISGI – University of Sfax)
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