Pilot Action: training session for truck driver

The CCIS and University of Sfax and ISGI Sfax organized the training session on the 29th and 30th of December 2023. 7 drivers from 4 tunisian transport companies have participated in the pilot action.

The programme was split between theorical and practical session and closed by a test exam to check the driver performances.

Participants: from logistics and transportation companies including SMTT, GTI, Phoenix logistique, Ben Alia Transport, Ben Ayed Transport, Gharsellaoui Transport.


Enroll in a dual training session, which is divided into a practical driving session for truck drivers on Euro Truck Simulator 2 (ETS2) and an academic session covering Eco-driving, preventive driving, HSE, and stress and fatigue management.


Following the training sessions, each truck driver underwent a test exam to assess their performance and skills.

The theoretical session was developed by Mr. Lotfi Ghorbel, a certified trainer, and organized by CCIS and the ISGI – University of Sfax.

The team who organized the event are:

  • Maher CHAKROUN as a CCIS facilitator (Optimalogistic)
  • Imen WALHA from Optimalogistic (secretariat service for CCIS)
  • Hanen AYDI from Optimalogistic (secretariat service for CCIS)
  • Marwa FAKHFAKH from Optimalogistic (secretariat service for CCIS)
  • Mr Aymen AGUECH (ISGI Facilitator).


  • Karim KAMMOUN (ISGI – University of Sfax)

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