How to improve truck driver health, well-being and fitness

While it’s easy to monitor speeding, fuel and braking with a telematics system, it’s not so easy to track stress, fatigue and fitness. Yet factors related to truck driver health have a big impact. Truck driving is physically and mentally demanding work. Your team use dexterity, hand eye co-ordination and stamina to get the job done. And yet, the well-being of drivers is often seen as secondary.

The following statistics regarding diet, lifestyle and health show why this is a problem:

  • 27% of drivers drink just 5-6 cups of water per day and 19% drink 4-5. The medically recommended minimum is 8.
  • Truckers in the US are significantly more likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes than the national average.
  • 60% of professional drivers in the UK eat and drink the majority of their food in their vehicles and 56% consider themselves overweight.
  • 10% of drivers say they’ve quite a job because of stress and 25% say they have considered it.
  • 1 in 10 people who drive a vehicle for work purposes admit they’ve fallen asleep behind the wheel
  • 26% of truckers report feeling depressed and 14% report feeling anxiety
  • 20% of accidents on major roadways are sleep related and 40% of sleep-related accidents involve commercial vehicles
  • A mildly dehydrated driver will make twice as many errors

What can fleet managers do?

  • Healthy initiatives and benefits
  • Regular mind and body checks
  • Hydration, food and drink
  • A cleaner and more comfortable environment
  • Plan and schedule realistically

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