Month August 2023

Pilot project verifies autonomous platforms for offshore wind operations & maintenance

The July 2023 project was commissioned to verify performance and further develop the operational workflows of Subsea Europe Services’ Autonomous Surveyor USV for multibeam surveying and A.IKANBILIS Hovering AUV (HAUV) for subsea inspections such as scour and marine growth surveys, when deployed from a…

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The cost of carbon credits

Requirements to reduce emissions will have a significant impact beyond regulatory compliance as they will also affect economic factors such as operating costs, balance sheet risk, commercial attractiveness, earnings capacity, access to capital and asset values, as well as financial…

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Risk Management

Risk takes many forms in the supply chain: a shortage, a bankruptcy, or a sudden change in demand. Supply chain managers may have seen it all in the past few years, and through it, many tactics have emerged to manage…

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Smaller ports, despite their size, possess immense potential as crucial nodes in global trade and transportation networks. However, accurately assessing the value of their assets can be a daunting task, requiring specialised knowledge and insights. It cal also be a…